New Jersey Uber Accident Victims May Be Entitled to Compensation

Blog,Ridesharing • January 6, 2021

There is so much traffic clogging up the roads in New Jersey, so it makes complete sense that Lyft and Uber would set up services across the state. They are friendlier alternatives to taxis that provide a convenient service to potential passengers. Not only that, but ridesharing is also cheaper and allows you to summon a ride just by using an app on your phone. 

You do not have to pay cash for your ride. You just have to set up a ride and your chosen driver will deduct the cost at the end of the ride. This is very easy and convenient if you need to get somewhere in a hurry or know that there will be limited parking where you are going. 

Are Uber and Lyft Drivers Safe?

In order to make sure that you can trust Uber and Lyft drivers, they have to go through an in-depth screening process:

  • searching through all the state’s sex offending registers
  • interviewing a potential driver by a current driver
  • holding a driver’s license for no less than one year
  • zero tolerance towards drugs and alcohol

Who Is Liable in a New Jersey Rideshare Accident?

New Jersey Uber Accident Victims May Be Entitled to CompensationUber and Lyft drivers are not immune to New Jersey car crashes. Even though these drivers are classified as independent contractors, Lyft and Uber insure all their drivers with a million dollar liability policy. However, this coverage is not always afforded to rideshare passengers. 

If you are involved in a crash with an Uber or Lyft driver, you are able to claim compensation for medical treatment, loss of incoming, and pain and suffering. If the amount of coverage held under the rideshare company’s insurance policy is not enough to cover your damages, you can claim from the personal insurance policy of the rideshare driver if he or she has appropriate coverage. The $1 million coverage policy is only applicable from the time the driver accepts your ride request until the driver completes the transaction on the app or the ride is over — whichever comes last. 

If the Uber or Lyft driver was not a-fault, you should be able to file a claim for compensation against the other driver involved in the accident. New Jersey drivers are required to carry auto insurance, but there is no guarantee that every driver has insurance coverage. 

Rideshare Crashes in New Jersey

Those who are injured in a crash involving a rideshare vehicle should consult with an Uber/Lyft crash lawyer in New Jersey immediately in order to better understand their legal options. The legal team at Brady Reilly & Cardoso, LLC is here to help you make sure that your case is treated fairly and that the liable driver is held accountable for his or her actions. We will fight to make sure that you recover the compensation you deserve so that your life can get back on track. Contact our New Jersey rideshare crash attorneys today at (201) 997- 0030 if you or a loved one has been unfairly injured in a crash involving a rideshare driver.